Spring Refresh for Your Home


Spring is here! I love being outdoors when the weather permits, but for those colder days, a fun interior refresh can help bring out that cheerful and fresh feeling that we are all craving. Here are three easy and inexpensive things you can do in your home to get into the spring spirit.

One of the biggest ways to freshen up your home is a good spring clean! This can be a deep clean or an all out purge-fest. Give things away or put them in order – either way is great to get rid of those items you no longer need. In addition, this makes your interior space feel bigger! If you are really feeling motivated, go for a deep clean and get rid of those unneeded items. It will be life changing. I am sure of it!

Another way to bring some spring into your home is by changing out your throw pillows. I have pillows in my home that rotate with the seasons. The warm weather pillows are lighter in color and the fabric is a lot airier. It is amazing what a difference a small change like this can make. Your significant other may even approve of this update as this is an inexpensive way to freshen things up!

Lastly, bring in some of the outdoors! Once the weather allows, open the windows and air out the winter staleness. Most of us can't go out and snag any fresh buds from the garden yet, so pick up some fresh flowers from your local grocery store. For reference, these are typically less than the cost of your daily fancy coffee.

Depending on the size of your home, you can split these three tips up for different days to avoid getting overwhelmed. If it is too large of a task to complete at once, just focus on key areas. When you decide to do a spring refresh, take a picture and tag us on our social media! Let’s see those transformations!

Happy Spring!



Stephanie Vostad

Design & Client Experience

Kelly Construction